About This Virtual Museum

Welcome to the Virtual Museum.  Come in and look around.
When in Barnwell County be sure to visit the Physical Museums.

A Resource Dedicated to the
Preservation and Promotion

of the
History and Heritage of Barnwell County


Barnwell County Physical Museums
Blackville Museum
The Barnwell County Museum
The Williston Museum


Agricultural Heritage Center
At the Clemson University Edisto Research and Education Center

Has now been closed but can be visited here online.

Virtual Dunbarton
To visit (Click Here)

Barnwell County Cemeteries
Cemetery Locations with GPS Coordinates

A List and Links to Barnwell County Cemeteries
in Find A Grave




Community Historical Resources

Barnwell County Museum
Barnwell in Wikipedia

Blackville Area Historical Society
Blackville Heritage Trail
Blackville and the Railroad
Blackville Museum
The Shamrock Hotel
Blackville in Wikipedia

The Emerson Institute: A Rural School for African Americans


Elko in Wikipedia

Healing Springs
HEALING SPRINGS: A History of the Springs and Surrounding Area
by Raymond P. Boylston, Jr.


Hilda in Wikipedia

Kline in Wikipedia

Snelling in Wikipedia

The Beginning, 1780 to 1858
Williston World War II Veterans
A Tour of Williston in the 1960s
The Williston Museum

Williston in Wikipedia



The Savannah River Project
comes to Barnwell County

The complete story on the selection of the location for the SRP and a history of the early years is recorded in this book.

A good history of this significant time in Barnwell County history.



It can be read online at:



Links to Genealogical Resources

A List and Links to Barnwell County Cemeteries
in Find A Grave

USGenWebProject for Barnwell County